Who we are
Help local businesses and homeowners connect better.
Take local businesses to every household in New Zealand.
Our goal and mission for My Home Services in NZ are very clear. We aim to take local businesses to all homeowners, whether you are based in the main city or a rural area in New Zealand. We also aim to provide the best home improvement services and experiences for both homeowners and businesses owners in New Zealand.
Disclaimer: It is important to note that My Home Services is not providing any of the home improvement services listed on our website. We are only an online business directory that lists all local businesses which offer their services to you. We are not connected to any business listed on our website either.
Reach more audience
with My Home Services NZ
My Home Services NZ offers local businesses to list their business for free on the website. You can reach more customers with the help of business listings. Nowadays, people have stopped going through those paper directories; they prefer browsing businesses and their services online. With everyone having smartphones, soon paper directories like Yellow Pages won’t be needed. To save trees and paper, they may stop producing paper business directories too. So we want you to be on the web directory before your competitors and reach more and more customers.
Want to help your customers with small or big things that may make a difference to their homes? Then write a guest post with us. You can write a small blog post about things relevant to your industry. For instance, if you’re a plumber, you can write about recommended bathtubs or things to consider when thinking about bathroom renovation. If you are an architect, you can write about the different architectural styles. If you are a tiny house builder, you can write about how they can improve their tiny house lifestyle. You can write about things beneficial to your customers and expand your reach with us.
We support local businesses across New Zealand by helping them write guest posts on our website. It helps them build a better community, reach their customers directly, and have a better online presence. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
List Your Business
Reach more customers with our business listings.
Become A Guest Writer
Submit your posts to be published on our blog.
Publish Your Business
We are here to support all local kiwi businesses. Expand your reach with our NZ home improvement business directory.